Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Connected battery to ammeter Essay Example for Free
Associated battery to ammeter Essay The point of this examination is to discover the connection among obstruction and conductive clay, and to perceive how length of clay influences this relationship. The Experiment: Conductive clay is extraordinarily intended to be a conductor; this is accomplished by including carbon dark. This can without much of a stretch be utilized to demonstrate the idea of resistivity since it is pliant thus the cross-sectional territory, length and shape can undoubtedly be changed. This test will show the consequences for obstruction in a circuit, as the length of clay diminishes. I will utilize 30cm of clay, and diminishing it by 5cm each time. First the voltage of the battery will be taken utilizing a voltmeter, and this will be recorded toward the beginning of the investigation. At that point a circuit will be developed containing the battery, the ammeter and clay. See outline. For each extraordinary length of clay, a perusing will be recorded from the ammeter and when the handy has been finished, I will work out the obstruction utilizing the equation R=VI. From those outcomes I will draw a chart and afterward assess and close my investigation. Outline: Constants: My constants incorporate the heaviness of my clay I am going to begin each try different things with 50g of clay. I will likewise support a similar thickness of clay all through my analysis, and a similar battery will be utilized continually. Factors: Possible factors in this examination are temperature, voltage, cross-sectional zone, mass, surface zone and length. My variable will be the length of my clay, which will diminish by 5cm each time. I am going to begin each examination, utilizing 30cm of clay. Reasonable Test: To guarantee my outcomes are as precise as could be expected under the circumstances, I will ensure my analysis is a reasonable test. For this, there should just be one variable. Different techniques can guarantee it is a reasonable test, for example, precisely estimating the clay to ensure it is diminished by 5cm precisely without fail. A similar battery ought to be utilized all through the investigation and to ensure no outcomes are strange, the test will be directed multiple times and a mean normal will be taken from each outcome. Expectation and Hypothesis: I foresee that the opposition will be legitimately relative to the length of the conductor so that if the length is multiplied, the obstruction will twofold giving every other factor stay consistent. My speculation for this is conductors have lower obstruction when they are shorter on the grounds that the electrons have a shorter separation to travel so more vitality is moderated since there are less impacts, and the current is higher. In the more drawn out lengths, as free electrons move from particle to molecule some vitality emitted to warm. The more drawn out a conductor is, the more vitality is lost to warm. The extra vitality misfortune takes away from the vitality being moved through the conductor, bringing about a lessening in current stream and an expansion in opposition Safety: The conductive clay is an innocuous, non poisonous and non-recoloring, be that as it may if gloves are not worn, your hands become dark and you should wash them. A sterile jacket ought to be worn to limit blemishes on garments and the trial is led on a plate to diminish the chance of a muddled workspace. Mechanical assembly list: 50g of conductive clay 2 coins Tray to take a shot at Knife Ammeter Ruler Voltmeter Wires Crocodile cuts Gloves Method: Put on gloves and folded clay into 30cm long piece on the plate, attempting to keep the thickness comprise subterranean insect. Utilized voltmeter recorded the voltage of the battery. Associated battery to ammeter, and associated ammeter and other terminal of battery to clay by putting crocodile cuts on the finishes of the wires, cutting them to coins and setting coins at either end of the clay, this was done to make a solid association. See circuit graph. Recorded perusing from ammeter. Estimated 5cm of clay with ruler and cut with blade. Re-appended clay to circuit. Rehashed process, deducting 5cm from puttys length each time, recording the perusing from the ammeter. Rehashed try multiple times, which will empower me to spot odd outcomes.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
perfect competition vs monopoly essays
immaculate rivalry versus imposing business model articles 1. Investigate the inexpensive food industry from the perspective of immaculate rivalry. Incorporate the ideas of flexibility, utility, expenses, and market structure to clarify the costs charged by inexpensive food retailers. Firms inside the inexpensive food industry fall under the market structure of flawless rivalry. Market structure is a characterization framework for the key qualities of a market. The qualities of immaculate rivalry include: enormous number of purchasers and merchants, simple passage to and exit from the market, homogeneous items, and the firm is the value taker. Many inexpensive food establishments fit all or the greater part of these attributes. Rivalry inside the business just as market flexibly and request conditions set the cost of items sold. For instance, when Wendys presented its $.99 esteem menu, a few different organizations executed a similar sort of changes to their menu. The interest for things on Wendys esteem menu was so high since they were offering indistinguishable items from consistently, yet at a limited cost. This adjustment in showcase request fundamentally constrained Wendys rivalry to bring down costs of things on their menu, so as to keep up a lot of the market. The past model represents the versatility of the inexpensive food industry. Flexibly and request set the harmony cost for merchandise offered by establishments inside the business. Contenders of Wendys must acknowledge the costs set up by the buyer interest for the worth menu. In the event that shoppers didnt react so decidedly to Wendys changes, different firms wouldnt have needed to modify costs. On the other side of this idea, there is no requirement for establishments to additionally lessen costs beneath the present levels. At the present costs, firms may sell as much item as they need, along these lines boosting benefits. This industry has a high utility worth. Utility is a proportion of fulfillment or delight that is acquired from devouring a decent or servi ... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Women Poetry of world war one Essay Example For Students
Ladies Poetry of world war one Essay Ladies Poetry of world war one BY Panamanian Women Poets of the First World War During the First World War, numerous ladies started expounding on their encounters and their assessments of the war. Anyway their works have been given less significance when contrasted with the Literature composed by Men of the time. Indeed, even while verse is apparently the most focal of womens war time kind, perusers have regularly discovered it disappointingly in reverse glancing in both style and topic (Plucks, 89) While taking a gander at crafted by Women artists we discover a variety in subjects extending from the individuals who urged men to battle the war to the individuals who battled the war themselves ND loathed It. This examination paper endeavors to contemplate the various types of verse composed by ladies and the subjects they express. The scandalous white quill battle was a piece of a legislature coordinated exertion to stable ladies to enlist male troopers (Plucks, 90). As it was a totally volunteer based armed force, it was important to have extremely ground-breaking enrollment crusades so as to have enough fighters. The White Feather Brigade was begun by Admiral Fitzgerald on August 30, 1914, when he gave out white plumes to 30 ladies, offering Instructions to hand them out to men who had apprehensive not enrolled in the military. The possibility of the white quill as an image for weakness and dissatisfaction originates from a famous novel composed by the British creator A. E. W. Artisan in 1902, during the Boer War (Wiseacres). This brought about Jingoism even in a portion of the sonnets composed by ladies. Among the Jingo-authors were scholars like Jessie Pope who composed two such sonnets The Call and Whos for the Game? In Whiffs for the Game? Pope was attempting to draw out the Image that war was fun and loaded with wonder that any youngster could acquire If just he had the mental fortitude The red slamming round of a battle? Wholl grasp and tackle the activity unafraid? By utilizing the words like game, the greatest that is played and round of a battle she causes battling the wars to appear to be a simple errand. She likewise looks at the war to a show for acclaim was given to the fighters who battled the war and not the individuals who viewed from the home front-Who needs a go to himself In the show? Furthermore, who needs a seat In the stand? Also In The Call Pope over and again utilizes facetious inquiries to inspire a feeling of blame. Her consistent employments of the inquiry ;will you my stepping stool? What's more, her utilization of My Ladder nearly recommends that heading off to the war would be an approach to dazzle he women on the home front since it was brave and honorable. A comparative confidence in communicated in her sonnet, The Beau Ideal which actually implies the ideal magnificence and as indicated by Pope would be the chap that-Must be in pitiful khaki tight To compass her warmth Whos demonstrated that he Is fragile Must her have one part in a sling Or, ideally, missing This sonnet would was utilized to persuade men to battle the war since ladies currently favored Soldiers yet more likely than not been hostile to the individuals who battled the war. For the nation For theres just a single course to seek after. Your nation is up to her neck n a battle, And shes looking and calling for you And she was additionally sure that England was going to win the war and when She did, that every one of these troopers would be regarded. When that parade comes, Banners and moving drums-Wholl stand and nibble his thumbs-Will you, my stepping stool? What's more, as she does in Whos for the gamer, she solicits - now from time would the individuals rather be with among the individuals who are being regarded or remain among the individuals who battled? .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .postImageUrl , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:hover , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:visited , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:active { border:0!important; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:active , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: rel ative; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enrichment: underline; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ufc49067f1ee14f 79e48b156269a548b2 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Poetry Influence Our Mind Jingo-lady (How I loathe you! ) Dealer in white quills, Insulter, self-named, Of the considerable number of men you meet, Not wearing uniform What these ladies are doing by disgracing the men into war is inadmissible to her. She doesnt accept that men ought to be disgraced into the war Just in light of the fact that they are men. Cant you see it isnt good, To mock and urge men into doing, What isn't asked of you? Beside the Jingoist journalists, an entire scope of verse was composed by ladies who took a shot at the war front as medical attendants among them being Vera Britain who and Eva Double, Both who served in The Voluntary Aid Detachment (BAD) nurture. A portion of their works mirror the things they experienced while working. Some were about chivalry and some were about the torment and anguish that the warriors endured. Eva Double composed Night obligation, Pluck and Gramophones which assess things she may have experienced while working at the clinics. Pluck accentuation on the way that youngsters were programmed into enrolling into the military. She talks about a multi year old-His extraordinary eyes appears to address why: with the two legs crushed it may have been Better in that dismal channel to pass on Some sonnets were composed by ladies who were on the home front and composed sonnets dependent on what they had gotten notification from others. Margaret Cole for instance was a conse rvative in the First World War. She composed The Veteran which again is a sonnet about a youthful who individuals enrolled in the military. The Veteran himself is just 19 but then he has experienced. Cole could have been attempting to say something that individuals who are so youthful ought not need to face such damaging occasions. Sonnets by other ladies on the home front reflect topics of misfortune, torment, love. These ladies were the ones who advertisement to tensely hold up at home just to hear the news that their friends and family has passed. One such sonnet that communicated these topics is The Wind on the Downs by Marina Allen. This sonnet was kept in touch with her Fiance, Arthur Greg who kicked the bucket in the war. The sonnet communicates her battle to adapt to the updates on his demise You have not kicked the bucket, it isn't correct, rather You look for experience in some other spot, an inclination that was looked by most ladies on the home front. Men on the war front frequently endured ghastly passings, huge numbers of whom, the bodies were rarely found. Their friends and family at home along these lines had no conclusion. The lines of Vera Britains Perhaps communicates a similar thought when she says .. In spite of the fact that thoughtful Time may many Joys reestablish, There is one biggest Joy I will not know Again, in light of the fact that my heart for loss of You Was broken, some time in the past. Her sonnet communicates profound sentiments of misfortune since life may go on as regular for her and everybody around by her adored one won't be there to appreciate it with her. A significant number of the ladies were stubborn on being on the war front. They may have felt subjected or may ha ve been diverted by the possibility of the war or perhaps Just needed to be valuable first universal war is eminent for having changed womans job of unimportant observer of a male occasion into one dynamic member at different levels, in the war behind. Along these lines some went to war and took a shot at different levels. Female accomplishments went unrecorded; at times they got a notice in the papers (Khan, 133). A scope of verse was likewise a weep for much required regard that should be given to ladies who battled the war. Aside from the officers who lost their lives there was countless ladies who dealt with the war front as medical caretakers or accomplished other intentional work and were executed in sick confidence. Ladies Felt undervalued as all recognition was given to the men and none to the ladies. Artists like Vera Britain communicated a portion of these thoughts in their works.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
How to Write Tech Essay Topics
<h1>How to Write Tech Essay Topics</h1><p>Technology article subjects are an uncommon sort of exposition for understudies as innovation is rarely far away. The innovation that is utilized isn't bound to simply the mechanical level yet incorporates the product and Internet world.</p><p></p><p>These tech exposition subjects incorporate realistic pugnacious procedures and visual contentious strategies to show perusers how the most ideal approach to utilize PCs is as computer games and amusement. This should be possible in an inventive way, for example, an exploration study or through representation and introduction. By and large, software engineers, architects and software engineers are the ones that make this kind of research studies and illustrations. By telling the perusers the best way to utilize this sort of realistic expressions they can increase a thought of how the PC and the product work.</p><p></p><p>The languag e is significant in this kind of exposition, since it ought to be fascinating and should convey the article to the following level. All the composing ought to be unique and be fit for clarifying and legitimizing the substance of the expositions. The peruser ought to have the option to comprehend the fundamental things by perusing the article however in the event that he can't or in the event that he gets exhausted by the paper, the author can make the following degree of composing all the more fascinating and nitty gritty by utilizing a couple of designs to clarify more subtleties and explain the topic.</p><p></p><p>For innovation exposition points that are visual, the essayist ought to remember pictures for the content. This can be through picture, outlines and realistic reports. It ought to likewise be evident that the thought ought not be restricted to pictures yet to all methods and modes of writings, for example, content, pictures, outlines, maps, charts , diagrams and information. A great many people will in general disregard style when they compose papers yet it is one thing that ought not be overlooked on the grounds that it won't just influence the composition yet it will likewise influence the perspective on the peruser on the topic.</p><p></p><p>A great writer ought to have the ability to introduce the specialized stuff in the composed structure that will assist the peruser with understanding better. At the point when he can do as such, the peruser will feel that he isn't causing the whole plan to up as he has comprehended it plainly. Along these lines, it is in every case great to introduce the themes in a decent and clear manner with the goal that it very well may be understood.</p><p></p><p>In most cases, specialized composing is found in the examination study as a result of the immense information that a software engineer has. This sort of research study can likewise be visua l as long as the author can clarify the thoughts in an incredible and clear manner. Additionally, it ought to have the option to introduce the subject such that won't just assistance the peruser to see yet it can likewise illuminate him. This can likewise assist with making a learning environment for the readers.</p><p></p><p>The exposition ought to likewise contain measurements and correlations of various strategies so it will offer understanding to the perusers into the idea of the paper. The data ought to be significant and ought to be confirmed with realities or sources. Likewise, it ought to be written so that it tends to be effectively comprehended by the readers.</p><p></p><p>Another thing that ought to be considered recorded as a hard copy innovation article points is the topic. The subject ought to be something that will assist the author with writing the exposition well and ought to have something intriguing that will make th e article important. The themes ought to be one of a kind and should show the author's point of view and motivation to why they made the topic.</p>
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Choosing Good Service Reflection Paper
<h1>Choosing Good Service Reflection Paper </h1> <h2>If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Service Reflection Paper </h2> <p>You figure out how to manage unmistakable obligations and novel sorts of work. To form an intelligent short article, you must have the right demeanor notwithstanding the force. In the event that you produce a little extra installment, you will be ready to get a couple of tests of previous works by the author relegated to your activity. For instance, Samples administration grants you to have a look at some earlier works by the essayist at present relegated to your buy. </p> <h2> The Start of Service Reflection Paper</h2> <p>It is significant to not overlook that administration is certainly not a 1 stop shop, or a simple prerequisite to be taken care of, however so regularly it gives off an impression of being so. Administration is an exceedingly significant piece of being a genuine pioneer. How people group administration could be counterproductive IV. In the event that you are certifiably not a typical admirer, watch a REGULAR help as an option in contrast to a particular event or occasional help. </p> <p>Additionally, there are numerous volunteers who decide to upgrade the life expectancy of various people. It's feasible for you to get to know about the way of life and estimations of the local individuals. It isn't hard to compose in light of the fact that you simply need to communicate your musings and the manner in which you see things. It's amazing for something to be the manner in which it should be. </p> <h2>The New Angle On Service Reflection Paper Just Released </h2> <p>Folks become dependent into betting are not just for no particular reason. Since as I would see it, it's impractical for a PG to stop betting, I can't get start my work in any capacity. In this way, my thoughts and sentiments about going into the human administra tions field are sure. The point of this program is to dispose of hypertension for a wellbeing dissimilarity among Americans and help accomplish the point of improving cardiovascular health and lessening cardiovascular mortality. </p> <h2> The Advantages of Service Reflection Paper </h2> <p>It isn't as simple as saying profound quality is picking what's acceptable over what is terrible. Since our virtues may be slanted, it is vital for us all to endeavor to be certain that we're adhering to the ethical laws and not simply our own one of a kind individual understanding of those. Moral laws are showed in different manners. Our human laws concretize the unadulterated law into something we can promptly follow. </p> <h2> The Key to Successful Service Reflection Paper</h2> <p>Revising an example reflection paper can assist you with drafting a gainful reflection article. This issue of an intelligent paper will be comfortable with you, as you w ill be in a situation to truly relate what you've experienced. To ensure that you will compose the most appropriate kind of paper, also it is significant you comprehend what it isn't. An awesome intelligent exposition might be magnificent intelligent article with the fitting planning.</p> <p>It's as a rule in the last part of the article. Your presentation ought to likewise be in control of a solid theory explanation. It isn't generally easy to find a decent five sections exposition model read the data beneath and stick to the offered guidance to make an extraordinary venture. Factious exposition thoreau administrations. </p> <p>Essays volunteer network support. They will have the option to exhibit that they comprehend complex social issues applicable to the network. Exposition on network support. </p> <p>Without respect to the brief that you're given, a reflection paper on a film gives you a chance to look at what you feel and think about the film. On the off chance that you don't feel as though you have sufficient opportunity to compose expositions completely all alone, we will give you a hand, any occurrence of the day, seven days of the week. On the off chance that you do this, the paper will be conveyed not in mass once the essayist completes it, however in parts, spread out over the entire method of composing. Accordingly, in the event that you'd prefer to get your paper modest, the absolute best arrangement is to act rapidly and put in a request soon, at whatever point there is still a lot of extra time. </p> <p>When composing papers of new sorts, it's consistently useful to locate a uniquely designed reflection paper composed by an expert relying upon your directions before you. Try not to be terrified to discuss your thoughts as a major aspect of innovative technique and recall there's only one way to deal with arrive at the ideal objectives getting papers which have been fastidiously checked, audited and edit. The following bit of your blueprint is maybe the most basic. For example, you can secure a framework of your paper so you're ready to get to know its substance without expecting to deliberately peruse it following you get it. </p> <h2> Whatever They Told You About Service Refl ection Paper Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why </h2> <p>Ecological chipping in is amazingly basic for the evaluation of the unadulterated environment. It positively affects your locale and it's beneficial for you as well. It is portrayed with the free commitment into the improvement of the human culture. You just need to share an experience.</p> <h2> Service Reflection Paper Options </h2> <p>Others would give a general theme like the perfect youth experience. You may effectively rely upon us to discover article help as we tend to help and guide the understudies with the guide of our expert specialists. Such people can get unrivaled volunteers and their assistance can't be overstated. As indicated by the essayist, the real volunteers have their clear kind of brain science. </p>
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Top Geography Developing World Research Paper Topics Reviews!
<h1> Top Geography Developing World Research Paper Topics Reviews! </h1> <h2> Most Noticeable Geography Developing World Research Paper Topics </h2> <p>Before you start with the paper, it is prescribed to jump into the subject or subject. On the off chance that you have any positive inspiring tales about the future that you need to share, set them in the remarks underneath! On the off chance that you have numerous options on your themes, you can pick the best that you truly need to compose. In the event that you get a subject, and you've been mentioned to choose this issue, it's recommended not to pick a theme which you feel is intricate. </p> <p>You need to uncover the perusers that you ace of this issue and not a confounded amateur who doesn't comprehend what the person talking about. There are cases when you're allocated with the theme yet more much of the time, you'll need to make a point all alone. All you will require is to be certain the subject is well worth considering. You should discover progressively about the point or question. </p> <p>Actually, geology covers with various other branches of knowledge. By correlation among different scholars, their thoughts are entirely appropriate to creating nations in this day and age. Given that the greater part of people in the industrialized world live in urban areas, it isn't amazing that urban topography has gotten significantly more consideration than country geology. </p> <p>Therefore, you must perspiration hard, all things considered, outside your PC. What's the purpose behind the tremor, talk about the plate structural hypothesis. There weren't any savvy gadgets. Any weapon assembled especially to abuse the promontory's territory would get an edge. </p> <p>Research assignments have an incredible influence in arranging the last stamps, notwithstanding characterizing the eventual fate of an understudy. Your cutoff time will be envisioned. Techniques an understudy requires to complete a human sciences task will very likely contrast from the strategies an understudy uses to complete a geology paper assignment.</p> <p>Illustrative examples of a geology postulation is found in the site of Your paper should be unique and particular. On the off chance that your point isn't acceptable, paper will neglect to secure sheen. </p> <p>From time to time, just live client testing will do. In this manner, building up an underlying arrangement can go an extremely long path in helping a student to appreciate what ought to be finished to have the option to emotionally complete the endeavor. Despite the fact that you can't find any information, a way however utilizing the intermediary, it will reinforce your investigation. As an outcome the investigation will help in deciding the manner in which the plastic waste should be possible away with so as to stop the event of their belongings. </p> <h2> The Chronicles of Geography Developing World Research Paper Topics </h2> <p>There's notable that you won't can create an extraordinary astute research paper in c ase you're not keen regarding the matter in general and in the subject explicitly. Else, you will be old news, and no one would ever wish to peruse your paper. </p> <p>Remember you don't have your educator to peruse for your paper, they won't do it for you that are the reason you need to ensure that you get an awesome expanded exposition that is well altered. Your exposition will be 100% one of a kind and liberated from written falsification. On the off chance that you comprehend what you will do recorded as a hard copy your all-encompassing paper, be sure that you have EE geology themes so you can pick what to compose. You ought to see totally that you're not composing a distinct paper. </p> <p>You accept that your all-encompassing article is long, however you need to peruse it for commonly. Continue perusing, and you'll find how to find an incredible research paper theme exactly as you would prefer with adequate data for its. It is desirable over ask your kin or guardians to help you in finding the articles as they can find some data that is associated with your paper. </p> <h2> The Lost Secret of Geography Developing World Research Paper Topics</h2> <p>Real World implied they'd get criticism from genuine people. Heaps of individuals at my school had the ability to apply to Cambridge. Some fine subtleties may have an immense effect, however a great deal various subtleties don't make a difference without question. Our composing administration has a wide range of composing tests available to be purchased, and we are set up to help you for a serious sensible aggregate of cash. </p>
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Profitable Essay Topics at College Level
<h1>Profitable Essay Topics at College Level</h1><p>There are numerous convincing exposition points at the school level. The key is to pick subjects that won't just assistance to present your defense for the course you will be taking, yet in addition to build up you as a specialist on your own territory of study. This will assist you with getting into the courses and classes that will be more than ready to offer you help, backing, and direction in making your composing a much more prominent bit of craftsmanship than you at first started with.</p><p></p><p>If you are examining something like way of thinking, financial matters, English, political theory, or some other subject at the school level, you will need to pick points that are applicable to your picked subject. A genuine case of this would be in the event that you were finding out about political way of thinking at the school level, an influential article point could be one on the popula r French logician Immanuel Kant. While this may be an undeniable decision, on the off chance that you are an understudy and finding out about Kant's perspectives on existentialism, you might be passing up significant ideas that you can use to introduce your contentions and make your exposition a more grounded argument.</p><p></p><p>The uplifting news is that countless schools will take proposals from understudies on which subjects they need to cover. So regardless of whether you think you comprehend what you need to expound on, it doesn't damage to inquire! A few universities will offer assistance with picking points and in any event, for picking subjects themselves.</p><p></p><p>Essays ought to be composed for three reasons. To make a solid contention, to engage your peruser, and to advance the point you wish to make. The most ideal approaches to do these three things are to compose a convincing exposition theme that will present a so lid defense for the course you are taking, an enticing article subject that will make your peruser snicker, and a powerful paper subject that will make your peruser consider the circumstance at hand.</p><p></p><p>You will need to consider what sort of writing you are keen on, and which kinds of influential paper themes you feel will be the best in advancing your focuses. The inquiry is, will you compose a convincing exposition on a writing point, or an enticing paper on a particular circumstance? On the off chance that it is a writing article, what kind of writing would it cover?</p><p></p><p>Another thing to remember is what amount of your instruction and experience is at the school level? For instance, on the off chance that you took early on brain research, you will be better off in the event that you expound regarding a matter like anxious issue and fears. Your crowd will be better off on the off chance that they get the opportunit y to find out about a part of brain science that relates to their own territory of interest.</p><p></p><p>Of course, something that some school level understudies find baffling is perusing expositions that are written in a style that is totally not the same as their own. You don't need your perusers to be killed by your composing style, so as opposed to hurrying through the material and attempting to stay aware of the language, consider composing on a point that is inside your usual range of familiarity. You will have the option to focus on the thoughts and realities and not stress over how the perusers will see your style. Furthermore, rather than feeling surged, you will see your creation as streaming as opposed to being hindered by a syntactic or spelling error.</p><p></p><p>Remember, influential paper themes at the school level are the foundation of good scholarly composition. Be that as it may, it is likewise essential to consider how your crowd may decipher what you compose before placing it into print.</p>
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
What Are Springer Research Papers?
<h1>What Are Springer Research Papers?</h1><p>Springer Research Papers is a truly important and energizing open door for you to get familiar with the work we do as an organization. On the off chance that you are keen on assisting your instruction, there are a few different ways that you can get comfortable with all the parts of our association and begin making the most of the open doors that we have for employees.</p><p></p><p>Springer Research Papers is accessible to you in an assortment of ways. You can get engaged with our locale discussions, go to the following national gathering, or even go to a national conference.</p><p></p><p>Springer is exceptionally open to furnishing representatives with a chance to meet other people who are working in comparative fields. All Springer Research Papers openings are additionally open to you in the event that you are keen on imparting your insight into your business to other peo ple. Consequently, you can get comfortable with an assortment of points including:</p><p></p><p>This will give you a superior comprehension of the work that we do, however Springer has likewise begun a program to get free specialists to audit the entirety of the examination that we lead. They can assist us with understanding our work better, and accordingly, they will give us extra data that will improve our items and services.</p><p></p><p>The productions that we are composing for the Springer Research Papers program will incorporate materials composed by the organization and by free analysts who audit our work. The kind of writing that we will utilize will shift contingent upon the extent of the papers that we will make, yet you can anticipate that it should incorporate a few unique sorts of productions, including article outlines, reports, books, online articles, etc.</p><p></p><p>As part of our Springer Rese arch Papers activity, we have started to give a simple method to workers to have the option to get to these articles. At the point when you first join our organization, you will be given a free electronic rendition of the Springer Research Papers titles, which implies that you will have the option to peruse, download, and utilize the material at your convenience.</p><p></p><p>So ensure that you investigate these open doors when you are searching for something to achieve. Your capacity to review a short paper for yourself will get you progressively associated with the organization and give you a great chance to get familiar with the work that we do.</p>
Monday, June 15, 2020
Unanswered Issues With Coursework Writing Help Online Disclosed
<h1> Unanswered Issues With Coursework Writing Help Online Disclosed</h1> <h2> What You Must Know About Coursework Writing Help Online </h2> <p>Once you are good to go to deliver the request, total an on-line structure. Structure of the Dilemma The on-line coursework task help specialists associated with our organization have a complete guide of the structure of on the web and each other important segment in regards to the subject. Being a Customer Service Officer I should ensure I can ensure an appropriate assist work area with overhauling to the clients to verify that the clients don't confront any trouble. The technique for requesting our administrations has been made straightforward by utilizing basic activities that are easy to track. </p> <h2>The Ultimate Strategy to Coursework Writing Help Online </h2> <p>A principal component of the best coursework point is an incredible specially crafted coursework help from our administr ations test ideal spot a magnificent altered papers. Figuring out how to write in a scholastic style is a huge aptitude to ace on the off chance that you might want to achieve the best grades at college. As an understudy, you may need to make scholarly papers so as to complete your degree effectively. There are numerous coursework papers you're important to deal with occasionally. </p> <p>Our experts have all the abilities that are required to make a perfect coursework. Most of the occasions understudies remain occupied in exercises and they've picked numerous on-line courses or some of the understudies are occupied in their employments. Select the specially designed coursework help. Dependable tweaked coursework composing. </p> <h2> The Basics of Coursework Writing Help Online</h2> <p>After you pick the perfect author that will assist you with composing your papers, you will feel. You should utilize our expert scholars. Help with formal and friends letter composing. </p> <p>Where your scholastic composing gets the time. 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Saturday, June 6, 2020
Writing An Essay In Languages Other Than English
Writing An Essay In Languages Other Than EnglishThe ability to write an essay in languages other than English is not the preserve of the rich and famous, but there are many students who could benefit from this skill. By learning another language, it gives you the opportunity to gain a new perspective on life and culture. You may even find yourself able to appreciate the values that have changed in a different country or a different time period.You may be wondering how your writing will change if you have the ability to write in another language, because it will. Your choice of words, the flow of your sentences, and the way you arrange your paragraphs can all change. With a different point of view, you will be better able to understand the material that you are studying.If you decide to pursue this as a career, you should remember that writing an essay in languages other than English will allow you to broaden your scope of what you can understand. Even if you do not choose to pursue a career as a foreign service officer, you may still want to learn another language. This will help you understand the different cultures that you will encounter. You may even want to translate some of your English-language works for someone who lives in a different country.The benefits of learning a foreign language are numerous. It will enable you to have a broader perspective and open up to a whole new world of experiences. It also gives you the opportunity to really connect with other people. You may be able to introduce your friends and family to a new culture without them having to adapt to your way of thinking.You may be thinking about the difficulty of learning a second language, but it really is not so difficult once you have the proper tools to help you learn. There are a variety of online courses that are designed to help you learn as quickly as possible. By taking advantage of these types of programs, you can take your knowledge to the next level and improve your writing skills.One great way to learn to write essays online is to take an online essay writing course. A wide variety of opportunities exist to study from experts on topics such as English composition, language learning, cultural awareness, and more. You can find a course that suits your schedule and your needs, whether you want to learn everything about writing an essay in languages or just want to hone your writing skills in one particular area.There are many benefits to learning a foreign language that are too numerous to mention. If you have the means, it is well worth taking the time to explore this option. Many of the skills that you gain will stick with you for the rest of your life, whether you are a diplomat or not.Online courses are designed to suit your schedule and your learning style. Whether you want to be a professor or just a student, you can find the type of program that will work best for you. Even if you never plan on pursuing a career as a foreign service officer, there are plenty of ways to expand your knowledge and make your academic writing even better. By learning how to write essays in languages other than English, you will have more options when it comes to understanding cultures around the world.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Race and Gender Throughout Malcolm Xs Life - Free Essay Example
The Autobiography of Malcolm X, is a book that talks and mentions Malcolm xs life on how race and gender played an important role in his life and what turned him into who he was and how it had an effect on his later decisions on his further days of his life. Race has always been an issue, even during remote times. The racial differences lead to discrimination and the belief that some races were better than others, black, white, Asian, Latino, it was always a game of who is who, and who is the superior race. Based on the book by Alex Haley, it is clearly shown that events that occur throughout our lives shape us onto the person we are and the decisions taken in the future, whether the effect is positive or negative. Fortunately, in this case, what Malcolm X had experienced and witnessed throughout his early years in life, had a positive effect in his life, which then led him to follow the religion of Islamic culture, or Muslim even though this had led him to believe that all white people were the devil. There are certain events in our lives that affect the way we think and take decisions. For Malcolm X, according to the Autobiography of Malcolm X, the events that mark him for life in his childhood were the death of his father and the separation of his family years later after his mother had a mental breakdown. For Malcolm X was devastating because both were white peoples fault because his father was killed violently by white people and his mother suffered years, she tried getting jobs but did not get to stay in one because she was a widow of a black man and she struggled while the great depression while welfare was trying to take her children. As we can see all the little thing in his childhood were affecting his actions after everything that happened. Malcolm X did not understand the racism that was going on in his life when he was a child, he did suffer when his family was apart and was sent to a foster home where he was treated just like a pet. Although he was treated alright and he went to a white school, his teacher told him that he couldnt be a lawyer for the color of his skin. He was devastated because his dreams were crushed, racism is crealy shown in the way it was said it to him, and how white people believed that black people had to do certain jobs like carpeting and plumbing but not lawyers or businessmen, Malcolm X had limitations because he was black,he did not feel free to be himself. Racism and gender played from both parts in the history. At the time of malcolm xs life, people still believe that black people were less of a person just for the color of the skin, but at the same time black people whe. They began to be muslims had the wrong idea to believe that white people are devils as is mentioned in the book. When malcolm X was older he started getting different jobs, started selling drugs and become addicted. He ruined a girl that was smart and educated just to be with a white woman for status. Is clear that status was very important at that time, having a white girlfriend was like trying to imitate white culture, this was because black men wanted to feel more, they wanted to have the same opportunities as white people. As time passed he depended on sophia for her money but and was always in cocaine, sophias husband wanted to kill him because he was sleeping with her, this affected his life in many ways because for this reason he went to jail. Gender was anot her factor that is seen because how is described on the book as they are objects, malcolm described that women were black women were prostitutes, and he used sophia just for his personal interest, also his mother was a victim of sexist ways of thinking, she was an educated woman but still was always doing chores pleased her family and when she was looking for a job she could not find something better that clean white familys houses. Women are stereotypically described as housewives and objects to men, that they could do anything else than just stay home and make their family happy, also like if women were made topleased mens needs, and like they dont have feelings. There is thing that mark your life and make the biggest change. One of the events that affected malcolm x the most is when he went to prison because for the most part he didnt went to prison because burglary, it was because his relationship with a white woman. Race was a factor the we can notice in his time given in prison, 10 years was given to him when the white women were 1 year for the same crime. Even the laws were unfair with black men and its obvious that black were treated unfair. When he was in prison he first knew about islam because of his family, he thought about the his past how white people affected his life in many ways, all the events to where he was at that moment, it had a positive effect in his life when he became muslim because after everything he went through , he started filling his mind with knowledge instead of drugs and when he got out of prison became a person that was respected by everyone because of his great speeches in the black community.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
What Sports Essay Topics Should You Use?
<h1>What Sports Essay Topics Should You Use?</h1><p>As a game author for more than 25 years, I have gotten an opportunity to study and practice all the aptitudes expected to compose a causal investigation sports article subject. What you should do is locate a suitable theme that you can build up a point by point and solid proposal or contentions dependent on any significant subject. There are various kinds of causal investigation sports article topics.</p><p></p><p>One of the best causal examination sports paper points that you could utilize would be, the 'Champion Horse Race.' These are fascinating subjects since they will show how people who win get more ubiquity than failures. On the off chance that you ever need to concoct an article with significant ends, at that point winning one of these races is a genuine model. Simply recollect that sports when all is said in done depend on karma. Nobody can foresee who will win and who will lose.< ;/p><p></p><p>Another kind of sports that has a decent possibility of being a victor is sports wagering. In any case, this isn't typically a well known subject in light of the fact that the last individual who won a wager would likely win the lottery directly after. Nonetheless, it is essential to recall that in these games, you are wagering on the genuine result of the real games. Not the result of one specific group playing or the result of a player performing.</p><p></p><p>One other kind of sports paper themes would be, open occasions when all is said in done. Such occasions are very significant, particularly with late world occasions like; fear based oppressor assaults, the economy, war, etc.</p><p></p><p>You could likewise utilize sports article points identified with different sorts of leisure activities. On the off chance that you are into ball, at that point you ought to compose an exposition on how the spo rt of b-ball can be a causal examination sports article subject. This would be genuine in light of the fact that the game itself is reliant on how well or ineffectively one acts in it. The equivalent could be said for football.</p><p></p><p>Another kind of sports paper points would be sports related narratives. Actually, in the event that you needed to utilize the subject, you should take one from a narrative that is identified with a games rivalry. There are numerous games narratives on various games, which could be identified with any sport.</p><p></p><p>The main concern is that you should consider what the subject is that you need to expound on, at that point consider what sports paper themes would fit best with it. Recollect that when composing sports articles, you should consistently maintain your emphasis on the outcome.</p>
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Undeniable Truth About Persuasive Proposal Essay Topics That No One Is Sharing With You
<h1> The Undeniable Truth About Persuasive Proposal Essay Topics That No One Is Sharing With You</h1> <h2> Persuasive Proposal Essay Topics Ideas</h2> <p>Researching and choosing a captivating subject is the most significant purpose of composing an exposition. Characteristics of a generally excellent influential paper subject The point should be explicit. Essentially, fabulous article point is half of succeeding. Choosing a brilliant theme for your article is among the most fundamental and every now and again precarious parts for some understudies. </p> <p>Just cling to the rules expressed above, and you'll be well en route to composing a phenomenal convincing paper. All you will require is the correct point. An extraordinary paper plan should be mapped to have the option to know the course of the exposition for a youthful age. A fabulous article plan ought to be mapped to be in a situation to comprehend the bearing of the paper for a young age. </p> <p>Traditionally, proposition paper doesn't contrast from other exposition types as to structure. A proposition paper is accepted to be the most regular sort of argumentation. An individual or proposition article should be powerful. It should be enticing. </p> <p>Also, you will discover school paper thoughts on our site! At the point when you're required to make clever school papers, you couldn't imagine anything better than to be certain they have a tendency to be interesting for that perfect variables and in any case give you see what you're talking with respect to. Understudies' expositions seem to gracefully the educator a chance to comprehend the measure of acing a subject by the understudy. You may keep on saving your contentious expositions for your forthcoming activity portfolio on the off chance that they're exceptionally evaluated. </p> <p>List your assets You wish to list the entirety of your academic assets first. In order to form successful proposition expositions on human services, it's not basic to have a wellbeing training. All things considered, first, you should discover great powerful discourse subjects. Educational program proposition subjects is a way to attempt. </p> <p>Your article may be an incredibly direct depiction of any innovation or it could be pugnacious or just a study of any mechanical perspective. Understand that paper points are simply essential thoughts that leave you considering an idea that may be a tremendous arrangement to someone else. In any occasion, you ought to likewise read different essayists contentions for and against the particular same or comparable points. All contentions in influential paper ought to be upheld up with trustworthy and dependable proof. </p> <p>Now you know that proposition paper must be finished using the recommended structure. On occasion, proposition expositions are related with intense social difficulties, as racial or sexual segregation. As it were, a proposition article distinguishes an issue and recommends a solution for that issue. It must be all around considered, organized and introduced to pick up acknowledgment. </p> <h2> Top Persuasive Proposal Essay Topics Choices</h2> <p>It is critical to make reference to that the thought shouldn't be a decent one. The structure of an organization venture proposition is very similar to that of a business planbut, it's imperative to hold up under as a primary concern that the two aren't comparative. By and by, a proposition must follow the exact basic standards. Before composing your proposition you need to do the following things. </p> <p>There are only a couple of things that characterize whether an article you're dealing with will be a decent one. When you choose the subject and select the situation on which you will base your paper, the rest of the activity would then be able to start. Coming up next are a couple of thoughts structured by task geeksthat you can use in the occasion you ought to compose an extraordinary proposition article. Presently it is anything but difficult to find a perfect topic and start dealing with it. </p> <p>Such exposition depends on an extraordinary research and information on all the advantages and disadvantages of the picked theme. To pick which subject you're probably going to examine, it's indispensable to see the total assortment of good convincing discourse points from the particular zone of study. Reliant on the case of making economies, ask into the association among globalization and democratization The proposition exposition subjects on globalization will allow you to dig into probably the most muddled wonders which happen in this day and age. It's conceivable to fuse a tremendous aggregate of late research, building up a very much idea exposition. </p>
Friday, May 8, 2020
Buy Essay Online
Buy Essay OnlineWhen you want to write essays on a topic that is not traditionally taught in school, the best place to turn for information is online. There are several websites that offer essay templates and tips on how to write. Here are some of the top essay writing tips.The first thing to know about your writing online is that it is often an easier process. You can write a short essay as opposed to a long one. If you are having trouble with something as simple as grammar, you may need to look at it some more.Another easy way to get ideas for essays is to use them as examples in other works. If you have already written a novel, you can think about using the same concept in another story. For example, you may want to include an essay that focuses on a certain character and their defining trait. You might want to ask someone else to write a similar piece to add a little insight into the character's history.Your essays will definitely be different once you write them, but don't make it harder than it needs to be. There are some questions that you'll have to answer such as: Why did you start writing essays? You might want to go into detail about what it was about the topic that got you interested.Take some time to gather key facts that will make it easier for you to write. These can include anything from personal experiences to studies of the topics.In order to avoid errors, you may need to review the grammar. Look over your paragraphs and make sure they aren't confusing or hard to read.One last thing you might consider doing is creating your own website. This would provide your readers a more personalized experience. You can post your essay stories online for others to read.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Evaluation For Candidacy For A Kidney Transplant - 868 Words
Chief Complaint: Evaluation for candidacy for a kidney transplant. Medical History: A 48-year-old Caucasian female, with history of CKD stage 5 in the setting of longstanding insulin dependent diabetes mellitus type 1, presented for evaluation for candidacy for a kidney transplant. The patient has multiple cardiovascular comorbidities including peripheral vascular disease, aortoiliac disease, complications from diabetes including nephropathy, and neuropathy and vascular [_1:14], limited physical capacity. Renal History: The patient was not seeking medical help for many years. She started to follow the physicians for the last few years. She had some CKD that is progressing to stage 5 recently. Her kidney disease is attributed to longstanding insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. She has never had a kidney biopsy done. Her last creatinine is 3.8 with an estimated GFR of 13. She had 4.5 proteinuria in July 2015. She is still not on dialysis yet. She will be starting peritoneal dialysis when it is medically indicated. She has not been evaluated for kidney or pancreas transplant in the past. Cardiovascular History: The patient has never had a cardiac catheterization done. No history of coronary artery disease. She has had hypertension diagnosed for the last few years, but prior to that, she was not seeking medical attention. Currently, her blood pressure is controlled with medications. No history of stroke. She has extensive history of peripheral vascular
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Compare the ways in which the poems present murderous relationships and their consequences Essay Example For Students
Compare the ways in which the poems present murderous relationships and their consequences Essay In the two poems My Last Duchess and Porphyrias Lover, Robert Browning portrays two very different stories both being about murder. The way that Browning presents these poems with such expression and forcefulness makes it seem like he is just reliving the moment in the form of poetry, as if he is the killer himself. The two main important differences with these two poems are how the murder is talked about. My Last Duchess is written after the murder has happened in which Browning reflects on the Dukes feelings towards the Duchess; whereas in Porphyrias Lover the poem is written at the time of the murder where we get more of an insight on the mans thoughts and feelings as it is written in first person. What we understand from both poems is that both of the male characters conducting the murders are abnormally overly obsessed with two things most people wouldnt consider perfection and power, and in the cases of the poems these two things are put together with relationships with women. In Porphyrias Lover, is about a man who kills a women who he believes he is destined to be with, but it the way Browning presents the relationship between them is as if their relationship would only work if the woman was dead; because he would only see her as perfect if she was dead, and he becomes even more obsessed with her as he slowly kills her by strangling her with her hair. In the other poem, My Last Duchess, the Duke is talking about his Duchess who he had killed, and during the poem, he explains to the reader about his point of view towards her after showing the painting off. The Duke in this poem is obsessed with power, and probably with himself too. He was in fear of his power being taken from him because his last Duchess was so changeling towards him; even though she didnt realise it. The Duke seemed to show that he wanted to have the girl to himself and no one else to even look at her in such a way that they may even be thinking about becoming involved with her and taking his power away at the same time. We see this when the Duke explains that her looks went everywhere, showing that she probably had power, and the Duke didnt like that. It also informs us that the Duke was a jealous man as people admired something of his that in a sense, he couldnt control; but the first line, Thats my last Duchess painted on the wall, makes us feel like the Duke only saw her as an object he owned which he likes to now gloat upon because she isnt there anymore. This would mean that the Duke could make her out to be perfect and boast about how she belongs to him. Browning represents how powerful the Duke is when he explains about the curtains, since none puts by the curtain I have drawn for you but I, to be able to see the painting of his last duchess. This line represents the power that the Duke holds as we imagine him sounding proud of himself. It also informs us that he is the only one to be able to draw the curtain and as the line And seemed they would ask me, if they durst, convinces us that people are even scared to ask him to draw the curtains to see the painting; putting them in fear of the amount of power the Duke holds because they know that he is capable of doing anything to them. Its almost as if if anyone pulls the curtains back to see the painting, the same thing would happen to them. .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a , .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a .postImageUrl , .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a , .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a:hover , .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a:visited , .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a:active { border:0!important; } .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a:active , .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4f96578ba4c63562e86a6586d4143f0a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Death in poetry EssayBrowning demonstrates the level of the Dukes power and confidence at the line She had a heart how to say too soon may glad. The use of pauses here gives us a feeling that the Duke is gloating on the amount of power he holds by trying to sound more innocent than he thinks he is. Although both of the male characters in the poems are power obsessed, the Duke in My Last Duchess knows how much power he holds, but the guy in Porphyrias Lover in theory, doesnt know how much power he really has until he kills the woman. We can tell this because before he kills her she seems to be controlling him when Browning describes as she put my arm about her waist, and stooping, make my cheek lie there; showing that he felt like an object being act upon as if he was a dummy and couldnt do anything for himself. However, this all changes once Porphyrias is murdered and we see this when the guy notes how he proppd her head up as before showing that he is now the one in control and it appears that he has now become alive and becomes the active whereas Porphyrias is now the passive. The guy in this poem comes across as proud and we can demonstrate this when he tells the reader Porphyria worshippd me,; which is almost as if he should be looked up to like some sort of God and only sees things in his point of view. This is also demonstrated at the very end of the poem, And yet God has not said a word! This signals that he really truly believes that he is in the right. Browning also may have used this line as a symbol to say that if there really was a God, he would have done something to the guy as a punishment, but nothing has been done. This leads on to say that neither of the men in the poems think theyve done anything wrong and appear to have no remorse what so ever for the crimes they have committed; and we see this all through My Last Duchess as we imagine him as being proud of himself all through the poem. Even though he is proud of himself the reader doesnt see him this way; and it is ironic because this poem is written in heroic couplets (AABB) but he is not heroic in any way; only in his own mind. Porphyrias Lover is written in octosyllabic lines, and because its in an ABABB rhyme form, it symbolises the unbalanced state of mind of the man and because this poem is written in first person. Therefore the reader feels more involved as it increases the dramatic effect. The verse structure in both the poems are the same, both not having any verses; and because of this there is no break from the tension Browning builds in them, especially in Porphyrias Lover as it leads up to the murder itself. In My Last Duchess there are pauses and punctuation used to break up parts and it seems to become more frequent towards the end of the poem. This could represent how the Duke is talking; in short and snappy sentences as if he is getting agitated and worked up by what he is saying; Much the same smile? This grew; I gave commands; Then all the smiles stopped together. There she stands as if alive. This is a particularly interesting part of the poem as it gives away that the Duke had the Duchess killed and because of the amount of pauses Browning used at that part, it lets the Duke have a chance to deliver the tension and anxiety of the story he appears to be feeling across to the reader. .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf , .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf .postImageUrl , .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf , .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf:hover , .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf:visited , .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf:active { border:0!important; } .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf:active , .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u47e457fce580c75c980ef007740e6bcf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Experiencing Poetry Graphic Organizer EssayDuring these parts in the poem, the reader might get the feeling that the Duke is hiding something as his speech seems so rushed. In both poems Browning frequently uses enjambment to increase the dramatic effect and obstruct the flow of the poems. This is a good technique as it shows the unbalanced and megalomania personalities of the two male characters as it rushes on and pushes the poem forwards in a crazed way; possibly just like their minds are working. A good demonstration of this appears in Porphyrias Lover; And I untightend next the tress About her neck; her cheek once more Blushd bright beneath my burning kiss,. Both poems are written as a dramatic monologue, and are both narrated by males both with issues with women and love and show similarities; one of which being that the only way either of them could handle their situations with their lovers was to murder them and neither of them seemed to feel any shame. They are looked to as both being troubled and megalomaniacs by the reader. A couple of bold differences between the to male characters is that the guy in Porphyrias Lover radiates a feel to him that he isnt a high class, rich man like the Duke in My Last Duchess; and if anything, he is far from it. The Duke seems to be an attention seeker, especially because of his social status. This is probably what led him to kill his Duchess as he explains how she was Too easily impressed; she liked whateer She looked on, and her looks went everywhere; symbolising that she attracted a lot of attention; much more than the Duke wanted her to. But in Porphyrias Lover its the guys feelings towards Porphyria that become so strong and unable to control, which leads him to murder her to have her forever. We see that he is overly obsessed with Porphyria when he leads himself to think, at last I knew Porphyria worshippd me, when really the reader knows that this isnt the case, and the reader continues to see the increasingly unbalanced state of the man that Browning portrays. In this poem there are many metaphors and its full with personification. An example of this is when Browning explains to us about how the sullen wind was soon awake, as we get to know that there is a storm outside. As we progress through the poem we come to understand that the storm could symbolize the storm in the guys head. Browning also uses alliteration a great deal throughout the poem, so much that this also symbolises how much of a mad and unbalanced mind this guy has. For example, we see this alliteration when he is explaining how Porphyria Blushed bright beneath my burning kiss and he tries to make it seem as if she is enjoying his burning kiss, so much that she starts to blush even though shes dead. This also represents that he still thinks of her being alive and happy.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Natural and the Environmental protection
Introduction The impact of business operations on the environment has emerged to be a major concern especially in the developed economies. This is accompanied by the rising external pressures and internal motivation for environmentally sustainable business practices (Delmas Toffel 2005, p.4).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Natural and the Environmental protection specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Various causes have significantly contributed to the current environmental crisis. Those who argue for environment-friendly business practices have presented notable common causes that relate to natural environment protection. They claim that the causes emanate because of the escalating demands for natural resources by corporations. Further, the intense machine utilization which emits harmful substances that degrade and consequently damage the natural environment is another factor which necessitates corporation to prote ct and equally care about the natural environment. The consumersââ¬â¢ strong inclination and preference to merchandises which are inexpensive yet prove not to be environmental friendly as opposed to expensive environmental friendly products has also been suggested as a factor that obliges corporations to partake activities that protect the natural environment (Selin VanDeveer 2006, p.11). However, many people have noted lack of any important relationship between the environment and corporations. The lingering argument is that environmental responsibility is politically-oriented and corporations should always focus on their respective core businesses. As a result, this paper attempts to answer the question ââ¬Å"Should a corporation care about and protect the natural environment?â⬠Apparently, environmental protection can be an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between a corporation and its stakeholders as well as a strategy to create competitive advantage. The env ironment and corporate stakeholders The execution of environmental management practices in any corporation is influenced by stakeholders like consumers, suppliers, legislators, employees and customers. In particular, consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious while the increasing green market segment prefers ecologically sound goods and services.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Indeed, these consumers are eager to sacrifice some economic development for environmental protection. Suppliers also exercise substantial pressure on business partners particularly for adoption of environmental certificates and establishment of management systems like ISO 14001, Eco-Management and Audit Scheme. Since the stakeholders are the key success factors to any corporation, environmental management leads to better practices which can influence the competitive position of a corporati on by imposing investment demands, new costs and efficiency (Williamson, Lynch-Wood Ramsay 2006, p.320). For instance, environmental initiatives may stem from concerns expressed by customers expecting the corporation to behave in a socially responsible manner within the society they operate in. In such a situation, the response that a firm gives to such concerns will determine its success within that society. This success has been observed in Toyota Motor Corp. which uses environmental sustainability initiatives to win customer loyalty. Adopting environmental protection measures offers corporations the opportunity to cater for and protect the natural environment while at the same time helping them to improve their competitive advantage. Bansal and Roth (2000, p.722) observed that corporations take ecological measures for reasons of competitiveness, legitimation and social responsibility. It is also suggested that environmental management can lead to broader range of benefits such a s cost saving, efficiency, waste reduction, positive image, marketing advantages, better media coverage, strong relationship with stakeholders, lower insurance premiums, improved staff motivation and improved overall quality. As Simpson, Taylor and Barker (2004, p.169) noted, the ability of corporations to gain competitive advantage is related to issues of marketing, operations strategy, product development as well as the processes and technologies of manufacturing. Developing competitive advantage through environmental protection There are two common theories in business context for acquiring competitive advantage. First is the industrial organization theory that is based on the work of Meyers (1992, p.257-259) and the second one is the resource-based theory (Barney 1991, p.92).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Natural and the Environmental protection specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Various researches that rela te environmental management to competitive advantage in corporation derive from organizational theory which suggests the organization of business operations in a value chain. The theory also highlights the difference between differentiation advantages and cost advantages. Porter (1985, p.31) insisted that value creation activities performed by the corporation to design, manufacture, market and support a product result from competitive advantage. Most of the primary activities will probably improve with the use of environmental management techniques such as waste control. A good example is lean production used by manufacturing firms and has been associated with competitive advantage. Cost advantages stem from pollution control, prevention technologies as well as corporate practices that increase production efficiency through waste management. Differentiation advantages result from enhancing product features to be environmentally friendly and creating new environmentally-friendly prod ucts alongside marketing the correlated environmental benefits. Resource-based theory views the corporation as a unique collection of resources including assets, capabilities and knowledge. The firm can use these resources to envisage and execute strategies that enhance their effectiveness and efficiency. The competitive advantage results from rare resources that come from organizational circumstances. Thus, environmental management initiatives can lead a corporation to acquire competitive advantage especially when it cannot be easily copied by others. However, environmental management should not only be considered as a social or legal responsibility, but as a venture that will enhance the efficiency of a corporation and give a competitive edge. Conclusion Apparently, a corporation should care about and protect the natural environment. This is not only for the sake of legal and social fulfillment as may tend to suggest, but for the sake of the business per se. In fact, environmental management is a good approach to strengthening the relationship between the firm and the important stakeholders. It helps in creating a competitive advantage by meeting the demands of any strategic endeavor. References Bansal, P Roth, K 2000, ââ¬Å"Why companies go green: A model of ecological responsivenessâ⬠, Academy of Management Journal, vol.43, no.4, pp.717-736.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Barney, JB 1991, ââ¬Å"Firm resources and sustained competitive advantageâ⬠, Journal of Management, vol.17, no.1, pp. 99-120. Delmas, MA Toffel, MW 2005, Institutional pressure and environmental management, ISBER Publications, California. Meyers, C 1992, ââ¬Å"The corporation, its members, and moral accountabilityâ⬠, Business Ethics: A Philosophical Reader, Macmillan Publishing Co., New York. Porter, ME 1985, Competitive advantage, The Free press, New York. Selin, H VanDeveer, S 2006, ââ¬Å"Raising global standards: Hazardous substances and e-waste management in the European Unionâ⬠, Environment, vol.48, no.10, pp.6ââ¬â18. Simpson, M, Taylor, N Barker, K 2004, ââ¬Å"Environmental responsibility in SMEs: Does it deliver competitive advantageâ⬠, Business Strategy and the Environment, vol.13, no.4, pp.154-171. Williamson, D, Lynch-Wood, G Ramsay, J 2006, ââ¬Å"Drivers of environmental behavior in manufacturing SMEs and the implications for CSRâ⬠, J ournal of Business Ethics, vol.67, no.6, pp.317-330. This essay on Natural and the Environmental protection was written and submitted by user GorillaMan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Megatherium Giant Sloth Facts and Figures
Megatherium Giant Sloth Facts and Figures Name: Megatherium (Greek for giant beast); pronounced meg-ah-THEE-ree-um Habitat: Woodlands of South America Historical Epoch: Pliocene-Modern (five million-10,000 years ago) Size and Weight: About 20 feet long and 2-3 tons Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Large size; giant front claws; possible bipedal posture About Megatherium (the Giant Sloth) Megatherium is the poster genus for the giant megafauna mammals of the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs: this prehistoric sloth was as big as an elephant, about 20 feet long from head to tail and weighing in the neighborhood of two to three tons. Fortunately, for its fellow mammals, the Giant Sloth was restricted to South America, which was cut off from the earths other continents during most of the Cenozoic Era and thus bred its own peculiar assortment of plus-sized fauna (a bit like the bizarre marsupials of modern-day Australia). When the central American isthmus formed, about three million years ago, populations of Megatherium migrated to North America, eventually spawning giant-sized relatives like Megalonyx - the fossils of which were described in the late 18th century by the future U.S. president Thomas Jefferson. Giant sloths like Megatherium led much different lifestyles than their modern relatives. Judging by its huge, sharp claws, which measured almost a foot long, paleontologists believe Megatherium spent most of its time rearing up on its hind legs and ripping the leaves off trees- but it may also have been an opportunistic carnivore, slashing, killing and eating its fellow, slow-moving South American herbivores.Ã In this regard, Megatherium is an interesting case study in convergent evolution: if you ignore its thick coat of fur, this mammal was anatomically very similar to the tall, pot-bellied, razor-clawed breed of dinosaurs known as therizinosaurs (the most imposing genus of which was the huge, feathered Therizinosaurus), which went extinct about 60 million years earlier. Megatherium itself went extinct shortly after the last Ice Age, about 10,000 years ago, most likely from a combination of habitat loss and hunting by early Homo sapiens. As you might expect, Megatherium captured the imagination of a public just beginning to come to terms with the concept of giant extinct animals (much less the theory of evolution, which wasnt formally proposed, by Charles Darwin, until the mid-19th century). The first identified specimen of the Giant Sloth was discovered in Argentina in 1788, and definitively pegged as a sloth a few years later by the French naturalist Georges Cuvier (who at first thought Megatherium used its claws to climb trees, and then decided it burrowed underground instead!) Subsequent specimens were discovered over the next few decades in various other South American countries, including Chile, Bolivia, and Brazil, and were some of the worlds best-known and best-loved prehistoric animals until the start of the golden age of dinosaurs.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Community Assessment of Somers Point, NJ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Community Assessment of Somers Point, NJ - Essay Example While the United States Average age is as per the last time was 35. 3 in the last census, Somers Point City had a median age of 38.4. In terms of age distribution in the city, there were up to 8,899 people who were above the age of 18 year. This figure represented an estimated 76.6% of the cityââ¬â¢s population. This percentage was slightly above the national average that stood at 74.3% (, 2013). The percentage number of people of 65 years and above was 15.1%. Again, this was higher figure when compared to the national average of 12.4%. In terms of racial composition of the city, the last census had placed the whites at 78.8%, African Americans at 0.25% and Native Americans at 3.1%. Other races such as the Asians, Pacific Islander and other races were placed at 0.06%, 4.17% and 3.025 respectively. The statistics are expected to vary with each census conducted. Again one may be able to compare the population distribution statistics with the national averages which place A frican Americans at 12.3% and Hispanic population at 6% (, 2013). A comparison with state population would reveal some little differences where New Jersey State was at 8,864,590 as at the year 2012. This figure was arrived at by factoring in the 0.8% state increase in population to the 2010 census. The racial makeup in the state of New Jersey was 68.8% whites, a figure lower by 10% when compared to Somers Point City. African Americans in the state were 13.7% in the state, Native Americans at 0.3% and Asians at 8.3%. Other races made up 6.4% while an unclassified group and illegal immigrants were 2.7% and 17.7% respectively (, 2013). Education profile in the city reveals that there are 84.2% of high school graduates or higher. This translates to 6,812 people while the number of people with Bachelor degree or higher in Somers Point stand at 1,601. This figure translates to 19.8% of the population. This is below the national average, which as per the last census was 24.4%. However, one may observe that the Cityââ¬â¢s median house hold income of $42,222 is slightly above the national median household income which was $41,994. Another socio-economic issue worth noting is that the number of families living below the poverty line in Somers Point City was 147 or approximately 5% of the population (, 2013). In terms of life expectancy, the state of New Jersey is 81.94. The national rate is 81.17. In Atlantic County, male life expectancy is 74.5. At the state level, male life expectancy is 77.80 and 76.20 at the national level. Female have the highest life expectancy with Atlantic County being at 79.9 while the state life expectancy is 82.20. Female life expectancy at the national level is 81.30. Currently, access to health is improving throughout the state. This is especially after the passing of regulations to make healthcare affordable. Even so, the exact statistics are not immediately available. Even so, one would easily observe that the 5% that constitutes those living below the poverty lines as well as the illegal immigrants constitute the group that is hardest hit in terms of being able to afford health care (World Life Expectancy, 2011). 2. With the community as partner, identify five strengths and five weaknesses of the community The community in Somers Point boasts of the following
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Quality and Information Systems Strategies Essay
Quality and Information Systems Strategies - Essay Example In accordance with the above study, the ability of firms around the world to capture and interpret knowledge is depended on a series of factors; the size of the firm and its financial strength has been proved to be critical factors regarding the ability of a firm to manage knowledge throughout its departments. The various forms of knowledge within modern organizations can be observed in Figure 1 (Appendix) where these forms are set hierarchically in order for the importance to be identified. The effective management of knowledge in modern firms is crucial in order for the various strategic plans developed within a specific organization to be appropriate, i.e. to lead to the achievement of the targets set by the firmââ¬â¢s strategic management team. The above assumption is also supported by Steyn (2004) who stated that ââ¬Ësuccessful organisations are knowledge-creating organisations, which produce, disseminate and embody new knowledge in new products and servicesââ¬â¢ (Steyn , 2004, 615). In other words, gathering, evaluation and distribution of knowledge across modern organization is a highly important part of the organizational activity supporting the development of strategic plans that are effective both in the short and the long term. For this reason, firms of all sizes have tried to establish IT systems that will be able to capture, evaluate and distribute the knowledge required for the ââ¬Ësmoothââ¬â¢ development of all organizational activities as well as for the growth of the firm in the long term. Establishing the IS required for the development of corporate activities is a challenging task for all managers worldwide ââ¬â no matter the size of the firm involved. Towards this direction, it is supported by Reid et al. (2004) that managers in modern organizations should have a ââ¬Ëstrategic foresight that can play a significant role in the long term success, or failure, of business
Friday, January 31, 2020
Industry Analysis Outline Essay Example for Free
Industry Analysis Outline Essay For the past several weeks we have been examining firmsââ¬â¢ environmental contexts. The purpose of this in-depth analysis is to: * understand how to document an industryââ¬â¢s systemic profitability (or loss) rate * understand the forces surrounding the industry (based on Porter analysis) that drive its underlying profitability (or lack thereof) * understand how macro-environmental factors influence the dynamics of the industry * understand how to draw appropriate conclusions from industry level data * understand how to support conclusions with application of Ch 2 theories and data understand how to summarize industry information in an informative way. Your first case analysis is to analyze an industry to determine its future potential. The format for this assignment is consistent with what you might be expected to do on the job. Often, when you are given an assignment, you must present your findings in a concise memo, documented by exhibits which support your analysis. You then also present your work orally. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Assume you are an analyst (or team of analysts) for a consulting company. As analysts, your boss has asked your team to examine an industry for a client who is considering future investment possibilities. You donââ¬â¢t know what company or companies may be involved or if this is a potential new entrant. You are only asked to provide an evaluation of the industry, its structure, its profitability, attractiveness, opportunities and threats, and future prospects. DELIVERABLES 1) If you are doing this as an individual written assignment: MEMO submitted to Turnitin. * A business memo addressed to the professor/your boss (no more than 3 typed pages total ââ¬âdouble spaced). This deliverable must be submitted to ââ¬Å"Turnitin.â⬠Although this is a memo, you should cite sources of factual data and information that is not common knowledge. * At least 2 and no more than 5 exhibits with data (graphs, charts, models, summary, etc) which supports the narrative presented in the memo. These should be attached after the memo. Each attachment should be referenced in the memo in order of appearance in the memo. * One required exhibit should provide some indication of industry performance (is this industry becoming more or less difficult). Think in terms of financial industry analysis and/or use the shipments data available on Blackboard. You MUST ANALYZE the information on Blackboard and extract information, NOT just paste it in your paper. * One required exh ibit is a Porter analysis * ALL EXHIBITS MUST BE RELATED TO AND EXPAND UPON YOUR NARRATIVE. THESE TWO DELIVERABLES MUST FIT TOGETHER! 2) If you are doing the team presentation: Power Point WITH narration must be submitted to Blackboard and a HARD COPY of the slides given your professor in class. * Slides from your presentation. (No more than 15 slides total.). * Webex presentation should be 10 minutes long, not including time for QA. * I expect a complete PEST * I expect a complete PORTER * I expect some conclusion about current and future industry analysis that is based on the PEST and PORTER WHAT GOES INTO THE DELIVERABLES? The list below should be the basis for your analysis. Remember, while you should look at all of these elements for a complete analysis, your judgment and application of concepts from Ch. 2 should inform your decisions regarding which pieces of the analysis are important for the memo and presentation. This means that not all of the below items will ultimately be included in the deliverables, even if you analyzed them initially. Only the most significant items will be included in the limited space of the deliverables. INDUSTRY FUNDAMENTALS: 1) Description of the elements of the industry. * What is the description of the industry? (Not its history, just its definitional parameters) * At what stage of the industry life cycle is this industry?(Use data to define and defend this) * Profitability?(This should be presented as DATA, over time, relative to some other standard, for comparison) 2) Who are the primary competitors in this industry? * Are there important strategic groups? * What segment or group dominates? What segment (if any) is doing well? What segment (if any) is weak? DYNAMICS OF THE INDUSTRY: 1) What key trends in the general environment are important and affecting the future demand for the product or supply of necessary materials of this industry? Why? * political * economic * social * technological * global 2) Which forces (Porter) are most critical for this industry? I.e., which ones best explain the profitability rate that you described above? * Barriers to entry? (which ones?) * Powerful Suppliers? (which ones, why?) * Powerful Buyers? (which ones, why?) * Powerful Substitute INDUSTRY(s) (which ones, why?) * Hi Rivalry of Competitors? (what is the source of rivalry?) FORCES FOR CHANGE THAT ARE EMERGING: 1) How are the forces (Porter) in the industry changing over time to become a. Stronger? (What macro-trends are driving this?) b. Weaker? (What macro-trends are driving this?) 2) Based on the Porter analysis (from #4 #5 above), is this industry getting c. more attractive (easier to make profits) or d. less attractive (harder to make profits)? (why?) INTEGRATION OF THE INFORMATION: 3) What are logically-derived conclusions (based on the analyses above) for e. opportunities (trends) associated with this industry? f. threats (trends) associated with this industry? 4) What are some key issues that players in this industry must be aware of? FORMAT for the Assignment: The MEMO format should include: 1) Business memo format: Please use the ââ¬Å"Elegant Memoâ⬠template in Word, but double spaced. Also, insert page numbers. 2) Attachments should be labeled in numeric order (i.e. Exhibit 1), with a title underneath which indicates the nature of the information in the attachment. 3) Attachments should be numbered in the order in which they are introduced in the memo text. The Power Point slides: 1) Slide 1 should include the name of the industry and the names of the team members. 2) All team members should be prepared to answer questions regarding the team analysis.
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